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手机:188-5310-7177 高经理

手机:188-8831-9177 王凯




浏览次数:1001    发表时间:2017-03-04 16:19:55

济南模具加工  http://www.zhusujiagong168.com/残余应力主要由于以下三种情况,即充填过剩、脱模推出和金属镶嵌件造成的。作为在充填过剩的情况下产生的龟裂,济南模具加工厂认为其解决方法主要可在以下几方面入手。The residual stress of die processing in Ji'nan is mainly due to the following three conditions, that is, excess filling, demoulding and metal inlay. As in the case of excess filling cracks, Ji'nan mold factory that its main solution can start in the following aspects. 

1.由于直浇口压力损失最小,所以,如果龟裂最主要产生在济南模具加工直浇口附近,则可考虑改用多点分布点浇口、侧浇口及柄形浇口方式。 The sprue with minimum pressure loss, so, if the crack is mainly produced in Ji'nan near the mold gate, you can consider to multipoint distribution point gate and side gate and handle gate way.

2.在保证树脂不分解、不劣化的前提下,适当提高树脂温度可以降低熔融粘度,提高流动性,同时也可以降低注射压力,以减小济南模具加工的应力。Under the premise of ensuring that the resin is not decomposed and not deteriorated, the resin viscosity can be reduced by increasing the temperature of the resin, the fluidity is improved, and the injection pressure can be reduced so as to reduce the stress of the processing of the die in Ji'nan. 

3.一般情况下,济南模具加工的模温较低时容易产生应力,应适当提高温度。但当注射速度较高时,即使模温低一些,也可减低应力的产生。Under normal circumstances, the mold temperature in Ji'nan mold processing is easy to produce stress, should be appropriate to raise the temperature. However, when the injection rate is high, even if the mold temperature is low, it can reduce the stress. 
济南模具加工厂认为,注射成型的同时嵌入金属件时,最容易产生应力,而且容易在经过一段时间后才产生龟裂,危害极大。这主要是由于金属和树脂的热膨胀系数相差悬殊产生应力,而且随着时间的推移,应力超过逐渐劣化的树脂材料的强度而产生裂纹。Ji'nan mold factory, injection molding and embedded metal parts, the most prone to stress, and easily after a period of time after the great harm of cracks. This is mainly due to the difference in thermal expansion coefficient between the metal and the resin to produce stress, and over time, the stress exceeds the strength of the gradual deterioration of the resin material and crack.